The DisLoyalTea Card - Cardiff

This is something thats been on our mind for a while. Those of you who were around at the start of the Speciality Coffee movement in London may well have come across the concept before.

The idea is this - encourage the public to visit the independents in Cardiff. Many people have their own favourite, but when they are out of that particular locality they may see a venue that is on the card and opt to go there, versus the safe, consistently average chain that they may default to.


There is a bigger picture, which is community. At Waterloo we have hosted and launched events such as the UK Coffee and Tea Brewers Cup respectively. launched The Welsh Aeropress Championships & Latte Art Throwdowns (see below) and hosted open Coffee Cuppings. The reason behind these has not solely (or even mainly) to find the best brewers of tea/coffee - but instead to create a forum where peers in the industry can meet, share, laugh, frown and help move the sector forward. We felt that Cardiff is now at such an exciting stage where there are number of independents that source well, prepare well and add to the mix rather than going through the motions.

A video posted by Waterloo Tea (@waterlootea) on

Waterloo Tea Throwdown! from Vibe Creative on Vimeo.

How it will work

1) Businesses get in touch on 
disloyaltea {@} waterlootea {.} com
2) We reply back with info and sign up details
Those involved all share costs of printing and stamps etc. e.g if design/print/stamps come to £450 and there are 9 businesses involved, then the cost to each is £50. Transparency will be at the core.
3) Disloyalty Cards get sent out and put on display in cafes that have signed up.
A stamp is given after each purchase of coffee/tea. When the card is full the free drink can be redeemed at any one of the cafes involved. If there is another product that is the same price point of a tea/coffee then do feel free to get in touch with thoughts on whether you'd like those included.
4) We are finalising the period of time the card runs for, but anticipate this to be six months after which more cafes can be added or opt out. 
The approach is very much big tent, inclusive, community. In the short/medium term we plan to meet and have an industry social - good times ahead!



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