Best in the UK!!

2009 Bev-E National Winners

What a year it's been so far. Just short of our 1st anniversary we have been awarded the prize of the best cafe in the UK. The competition, organised by the Beverage Service Association, marked cafes on the quality of the beverages served, the customer service and the ambience. Over a period of six months, three industry experts visited unnanounced. Upon arrival  they ordered an espresso, a cappucino and a 3rd drink of their choosing. On Monday 16th November, at the awards ceremony in Old Trafford, it was announced that we had won the title of best independent cafe in the UK!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers for their words of encouragement and feedback. It has helped us get to where we are now.

Also, a big hug to all of our team, front of house and behind the scenes. You know who you all are... Thanks!

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