On Wednesday November 17th at 6.30 pm former Zimbabwean Test cricketer and leading opponent of the Mugabe regime, Henry Olonga, will be in conversation with Dr. Russell Holden, Director of In the Zone Sport and Politics Consultancy.
Henry will be promoting his just-published autobiography, Blood, Sweat and Treason, longlisted for the 2010 William Hill Sport Book of the Year Ward.
This event marks the first in a series of events to be staged by In the Zone in which a range of speakers will be talking about their involvement and links with sport and how these impact on local, national and international politics. Henry Olonga is an ideal opening guest as his experiences and bravery which he recounts in his page-turner of a volume, demonstrates how politicians can abuse sport for their own ends at the cost of the people they are supposed to be representing.
For further information please contact Russell Holden at russell@inthezoneonline.co.uk
or alternatively info@waterlootea.com.
Spaces are limited, so please get in touch as soon as possible to reserve a seat.
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