Ten Years and Counting...!

It was December of 2008 when we launched our project. 10 years on, we are going stronger and better than ever before (we think!). Thank you for your support.

Here are a few of our favourite things...



Launching the UK Tea Brewers Cup and opening a forum of collaboration between our peers in the Tea Industry. This was followed up by the World Tea Brewers Cup in Dublin staged at the same time as the World Barista Championships.


Importing and curating our tea portfolios to be able to offer something for everyone - from the novice to the connoisseur. Working with small farms in Asia, and often offering them a route to export for the very first time. Showcasing teas that had never been sold in volume in the UK previously. (Conversations often went along the lines of "...yes, people in Europe are interested in quality teas..")

Supplying our teas to some of our favourite businesses in the UK and across Europe - introducing tea in a fashion that it was served on a par as their other goods. Specialty teas in specialty cafes. 

Working with manufacturers such as Marco Beverage Systems, Hario & BWT,  on novel equipment discussions and development.



Hosting the UK Coffee Brewers Cup, and showcasing Cardiff to the coffee fraternity.

Launching the Welsh Aeropress Championships at our teahouse in Wyndham Arcade, working with WAC and La Marzocco. 

Being listed in The Guardian/Independent/Telegraph in "Top places to drink coffee in UK"



Winning best Cafe in the UK (BSA Awards - Industry body, three unannounced visits). This was judged on three drinks that were ordered by the visiting judge.

Serving our tea at TEDGlobal and Ted Talks alongside the Coffee Common and The Speciality Coffee Association of America.

Working with The DO Lectures in Cardigan - facilitating mindfulness with our brews.

Working with our peers in the food and drink industry locally - sharing ideas and collaborating on events. Friends, not competitors.

Being able to honour the contract between ourselves and yourself - by ensuring the ingredient quality that we brought into Waterloo Tea was delivered to you, with no airs and graces.

Each teahouse having monthly art exhibitions - with internationally reknown artists through to first time solo exhibitors. With 20% of sales going to the artists charity of choice - this, although not food or drink, has been one of our proudest feats. The arts are not optional, they give voice to topics and peoples.

Working on a scheme with The Big Issue magazine - when a member of public buys a mag, we give them a free tea or coffee. Simple things, big impact.



Here's to another ten years of fun and deliciousness..!


